Message from Jayne
Supporters and Friends:
The Select Board race is heating up as we pull into the last four weeks. Given the tragedy unfolding before our eyes in Ukraine and the fact that I am a current elected official and municipal employee, my campaign has decided not to hold a fundraising event — much as I would love to see everyone! I do welcome donations, however. They may be made via PayPal at the link below, where you will also find info on sending a check to my treasurer, or at one of my upcoming events: the Tewksbury Democratic Town Committee Candidates' Social on March 14 at Luna Rosa at 6:30 (you're invited!) or the Town Crier Candidates Forum on March 15 & 16.
If you're interested in supporting the cause of democracy in Ukraine, consider supporting one of the nonprofits recommended by
I am reminded as I watch the brave Ukrainian people fighting for their homeland how very fortunate we are to be able to take part in free and fair elections. I humbly ask you to go to the polls on April 2 and cast one of your votes for me.
Jayne Wellman
Candidate for Re-Election to the Tewksbury Select Board
Donations may also be mailed c/o the treasurer:
Donna Higgins, 296 Astle St., Tewksbury MA 01876
Please make checks payable to "CTE Jayne Wellman"